Tuesday, October 21, 2008

i'm slackin huh?

sheeeit, im the most inconsistant blogger in the history of blogging.
its all good though, i have a life outside of the world wide web.
so anywho. im free [go figure..did i mention this already?] and i spent my last two weekends highly g-rated. i might as well been with co'chillin with some of the prudest nuns in life, but this is what i have to do to gain "trust".
[pics from the weekends coming soon]
this week:
HOMECOMMING WEEK! it as so much fun freshmen and sophomore year, this year...not so much.
1. i dont have my dress and i have no idea what color i'm wearing.[damn you jarrad]
2. i am the secretary of the junior class [cute right...?]
so yea i have to make decorations like crazyyyy.smh. this week alone will for my GPA down one whole point.i was blessed with the most unspirtited class in bernards.juniors[k]!
where other classes hav 10+ pple throwing together decorations, we have THREE.
its all good tho, ima look bomb on that college app. [hollaaaa!]
3.im too lazyy to even put on my uniform in the morning, how in the world am i gonna get the energy to put on "accesories" im so used to looking like a sheep. so much for color wars...

&&& now i have to start my 2 week plan to get an A in AP Bio, im outroooo.

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